The Western Herald is Bourke's only local newspaper and we have proudly served the community for more than 132 years.
Published weekly every Thursday, The Western Herald covers news, sport and other events in Bourke and around the district in Barringun, Brewarrina, Byrock, Enngonia, Fords Bridge, Hungerford, Louth and Wanaaring and Lightning Ridge. Our readership includes subscribers from Coolabah, Nyngan, Dubbo, Sydney and centres throughout NSW and interstate.
The Western Herald has remained locally owned and independent for its entire 135 year history.
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Read more about Bourke's newspaper history here.

Noel Fisher
Operations Manager
Noel has been a professional photographer for the last four decades and has experienced many changes in the way we see and record our world.
Several years ago Noel took on a journalism course to add
the valuable skill of creating words for the images. This has
lead to a book being published, as well as articles and
stories for local and national titles.

Marek Weiss
Editor in Chief
Marek joined The Western Herald in 2018

Tricia Duffield
Tricia has worked as a feature writer, producer, broadcaster, news journalist and television presenter.
She was producer for radio personalities including Tim Webster, Howard Sattler and John Laws but in recent times has happily made Bourke her part-time home, where she is a journalist for The Western Herald, and on-air at 2WEB in the newsroom.

Layton Holley
Layton Joined The Western Herald in February 2022