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Coulton fights for Aussie farmers

Member for Parkes Mark Coulton was in town last week for talks with Bourke Council, local farmers and the community. Mr Coulton is pictured second from right with Council General Manager Ross Earl, Corporate Services Manager Leonie Brown, Councillor Bob Stutsel, Bourke Mayor Barry Hollman and Councillor John Thompson. Photo: TWH

Farmers are battling on multiple fronts as the drought drags on and the federal government continues its fight to protect our primary industry export trade.

Member for Parkes Mark Coulton was touring the region last week and was in Bourke to inspect the North Bourke Abattoir, for talks with Bourke Council, and to speak with producers about the progress of trade talks.

Mr Coulton held talks with a number of Bourke councillors on issues of concern like the lack of mobile phone coverage in the shire, attracting doctors and other health professionals to remote areas, road funding, job creation in the bush; secure funding for the Rural Financial Counselling Service, education for remote area children and the ever-present problem of the drought.

He was also talking up the new $30 million drought aid package signed off by the Federal government.

“The $30 million will work as a direct cash grant to qualifying farm families, administered through charities,” he said.

“Charities have got a good handle on who is in need and where best to distribute those funds.

Read more in the printed edition of the Western Herald.

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