2WEB celebrates 40 years!

Staff members at 2WEB this week — Matt Lynch, Rod Corfe, Ash Keenan, Tricia Duffield, Ian Cole, Tanya Mitchell, May Watkins, Neil Campbell, David Sharp, Marek Weiss and Chris Molyneoux Photo: TWH
Neville Wran is Premier, Australia tastes terrorism for the first time with the Hilton bombing, former Prime Minister Sir Robert Menzies dies and the first Mardi Gras hits the streets of Sydney.
The year is 1978, a time of upheaval and new beginnings across the nation.
In Bourke, a new radio station was born that year – Outback Radio 2WEB.
Forty years on, 2WEB is proud to be the voice of the Outback.
The premises have relocated, the equipment is no longer valves or tapes, and some voices have changed, but there is much about 2WEB that has remained constant across four decades.
Providing education to young people in the art of broadcasting was a vital part of 2WEB’s charter then, and still is today.
Those two hours on air every weekday afternoon offer an extraordinary experience for our young talent, giving them self-confidence literary and verbal skills and for some, a foot in the door of the media industry.
2 WEB’s commitment to its audience has never waned.
Many people regard the station as a family friend; a familiar voice in remote communities across the Outback.
Read more in the printed edition of the Western Herald.