Crime down in Bourke
Bourke Mayor Barry Hollman discussing crime statistics with Commander Greg Moore and Inspector Andrew Hurst Photo: TWH
Bourke Police have told Bourke Council that crime is down for this time of year, but that any crime is too much.
Commander Greg Moore and Inspector Andrew Hurst addressed Council on Monday saying that it is normal to see an increase in alcohol-related crime in the warmer weather.
Mr Moore said that “domestic assaults have decreased and break & enter offences have decreased after particular offenders had been recently bail refused.
“There have been no stolen vehicles in the last 8 weeks and no break & enter events at commercial premises
“We have also identified a number of graffiti offenders and taken action.
“Police are working with other agencies to improve diversionary programs for young people in an attempt to limit anti-social behaviour in parks, streets and other public places,” said Commander Moore
Inspector Hurst said that local police have been engaging young people to close gap on the streets and trying to work with other agencies to prevent the chance of further offences.