Country Women’s Association Public speaking competition in Bourke

Students from the public schools of Enngonia, Weilmoringle, Cobar and Bourke, and students from St Ignatius Parish School participating in the CWA Annual Public Speaking Competition in Bourke last Thursday. Back row l-r: Jack Combe, Maddie Chaplain, Tahliyah Sullivan-Nean, Nathaniel Nixon, Piper Neale, Charlotte Mitchell, Laura Hand and Addison Byno. Front l-r: Raeleah Smith, Holly Azzopardi, Sydney Muenster, Clare Lawson, Alex Stone, Edie Crain, Eriko Rose and Hayden Ryder. All students who participated received certificates for their effort. PHOTO TWH
The Far Western Group of CWA held its annual Public Speaking Competition at the Bourke CWA rooms last Thursday.
Students from the public schools of Enngonia, Weilmoringle, Cobar and Bourke, plus students from St Ignatius Parish School participated in two sections.
Years 3 and 4, presented some very competitive public speaking displays with six students from four different schools. For some of these children it was their first time taking part. Each year they become more confident to stand in front of judges and an audience.
Year 5 and 6 students showed how they put their individual mark on their chosen subject. All schools had a student in this section with all 10 enjoying the fun and varied topics they chose to speak about.
The organisers were disappointed that no secondary schools took part this year. It may have been because many of these students have gone away to boarding school or just moved on.
Read more in the printed edition of the Western Herald.