Emily flies the Bourke flag

Bourke Showgirl Co-ordinator Grace Murray at the zone finals in Dubbo with Emily Bowden Photo supplied
As her year as Bourke Showgirl draws to a close, Emily Bowden is encouraging other young women to consider taking part in a tradition she said has changed her life.
On Saturday night, 21-year-old Emily took part in the Zone Finals in Dubbo, where 22 show girls from across the western region were put through their paces.
Emily faced interviews with the judging panel, took part in a luncheon and was then interviewed on stage in a glittering Zone Finals dinner at the Dubbo RSL.
Far from being a beauty pageant or an old-fashioned tradition, Emily said the competition had created opportunities and given her life skills that would stay with her into the future.
“When Grace Murray first approached me and Charlotte Davis to compete for the Bourke Showgirl title last year, I was not confident about public speaking, being interviewed or talking about subjects I may not have known much about,” Emily said.
“But the personal development I have been able to gain as part of this competition has been incredible.
Read more in the printed edition of the Western Herald.