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Sheldon tells his stories through art

Sheldon Smith displaying some of his recent artworks at the Men’s Shed Wharf Gallery. PHOTO TWH

Local artist Sheldon Smith has been producing top quality paintings for years.

And Sheldon’s paintings – housed at the Men’s Shed Wharf Gallery have been in great demand both locally and around Australia.

Sheldon is a Wangkumarra man who spends most of his days painting, just too keep up with the recent increase in demand for his artworks.

“For the last month or so, there have been lots of tourists around” said Sheldon.

“When the borders were shut there were people just hanging around and many of them were buying artworks. I was getting quite a few customers.

“Most people just come in and talk about the town and then want to talk to me about the paintings.

“They like that they can come to the gallery here and they can talk to the artist. I tell them the story behind the artwork.

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