Bourke CBD beautification works continue
Works are continuing in Bourke’s main streets targeted toward the beautification of the town.
Council workers and contractors are currently working on the section of Oxley Street between Richard and Glen Streets – from the Police Station and Courthouse in an easterly direction past the TAFE Campus, 2WEB, and Central Park.
Bourke Shire council General Manager Leonie Brown said that council was fortunate to get funding to help council upgrade the streets of Bourke and make them more attractive.
“Part of this funding went to continuing our improvement of the main street, heading east along Oxley Street and into Glen Street,” she said.
“The improvements will continue down Glen Street past the tennis courts, Essential Energy and the Bourke Aboriginal Corporation Health Service.”
“The funding provided by the state government will allow council the opportunity to complete the main street project and finish off Poet’s Corner which is in recognition of the various poets that visited the Bourke district. […]