Bourke Child Care Centre closed after flooding
The Bourke and District Child Care Centre is temporarily closed after a failed dishwasher connection flooded the centre over the weekend.
BDCS General Manager Prue Ritchie said the accident left the centre’s floor about three inches underwater, which meant she had no choice but to close the doors on Monday and begin the lengthy clean up and repair process.
Staff spent Sunday afternoon and Monday morning helping with mops and buckets but despite their efforts, Prue said temporary alternative premises will have to be found.
“We installed a new commercial dishwasher recently and a valve malfunctioned, so it just kept pumping water all weekend,” she said.
“When our cleaner arrived on Sunday afternoon, she called me and said there was water all over the floor.
“When we got there, we saw the entire floor was under about three inches of water, so we all pitched in and tried to get most of the water out and we called in Dan Barton the plumber and had a look at things, and we will be in touch with the dishwasher manufacturer and find out what to do.
“We are going through the process through council and our insurers to find out what the next steps are.
“We will come up with a temporary plan and wait for the insurance assessors to tell us what will happens next.
“The Preschool is still open however, and we will update childcare centre families about the arrangements going forward,” she said.