Bourke Pool readies for the first splash of Summer

The Bourke War Memorial Olympic Swimming Pool is almost ready for summer and will be a major asset for the community.
Bourke Shire Council Manager of Environmental Services, Dwayne Willoughby, said the pool will not only serve as a social hub for the town but will also be one of the most advanced, state-of-the-art swimming pools in the state.
The rebuilding of the pool has seen more than its fair share of construction delays, with COVID restrictions the latest setback, but Mr Willoughby said he was confident the turnstiles would be ticking over in early October.
“We still have to do a bit of concrete work between the pools and a little bit of commissioning work on the filtration system but it’s all good for opening in October,” he said.
“Council was lucky to get some funding to upgrade the program pool for the little ones, so we had to make a few small design changes to allow access to the little pool during this summer.
“But the big pool is all ready to go – the shade piers are in, and we are just waiting for the steel to turn up, the turf is growing well, we have new seating and shade areas and there’ll be a lot of work done over the next few weeks to get the garden and the surrounds completed.
“We now have easy access for elderly and disabled patrons. The access ramp was a big investment by council, but it means people have walk-in-walk-out access to the pool.
“It really is a great facility, and the renovations will encourage more people into the pool,” Dwayne said.
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