Bourke pool renovations continue

The upgrading of the children’s pool at the Bourke Memorial Swimming Pool Complex is progressing, with the original pool demolished and removed.
Bourke Shire Council General Manager, Leonie Brown, said the contractors, Hydrocare Pools and Spas, are progressing the project, structural steel will be delivered soon with concreters then onsite to complete the shell of the new learn-to swim pool.
The concrete slab for the filtration unit has been completed and the filtration system and pumps for the new facility are on site ready to be installed.
“There is plenty of positive community comment about the previous work refurbishing the main pool, and the upgrading of the children’s pool to a learn-to-swim pool will add to the quality of the swimming pool complex,” Mrs Brown said.
Manager of Environmental Services, Dwayne Willoughby, said the upgrade included a design to allow access for children of all ages and abilities.
“There will be ramp access and what is called a ‘beach entry’ and the pool will now be what’s called a ‘program pool’ or a learn-to-swim pool,” Mr Willoughby said.
“The learn-to-swim design includes a ledge to enable swimming lessons for younger children. The area will also have greater shade and seating for users with new shade facilities to be installed as part of the project.”
This latest work, replacing the children’s pool has been possible through a grant of $2.4 million through the Commonwealth Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program.
Last year, the pool installation contractors, Hydrocare, completed an extensive rebuild of the Olympic pool, filtration and pumping works and the surrounds.
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