Bourke’s strategic plan — a decade in the making…

Bourke Shire Council has spent the last fortnight gathering community feedback through meetings, focus groups, and pop-up stalls to plan for the next 10 years.
On their annual road trip, councillors and council staff visited Enngonia, Ford’s Bridge, Louth, Wanaaring, and Byrock. The final session for residents of Bourke and North Bourke was held at the Back O’Bourke Function Centre last Thursday.
The annual village tours and community consultation have a specific purpose, according to Bourke Shire Council, General Manager, Leonie Brown.
“The purpose of the village tours is to help formulate the community strategic plan,” Mrs Brown said.
“Council is required to review its community strategic plan within the first year of a newly elected council.
“This new community strategic plan is a document covering 2025 to 2035 and feeds into Council’s four-year delivery programs for the term of the new council. Other plans that are developed during this review include the resourcing strategy, our long-term financial plans and asset management plan. […]
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