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Edwards family honours generations past

Marchers from the Edwards Family Reunion on Easter Saturday. Photo TWH

The Easter Festival was a chance for friends and family to re-connect, and the biggest gathering this year was the Edwards family.

The reunion was not just a chance for present family members to congregate, but for the stories of generations past to be shared with generations of the future.

Tony Martin from Newcastle and Lyn Lackay from Lismore were two of the organisers of the reunion, which began on Good Friday evening with a dinner followed by a march at the head of the Easter Festival Grand Parade.

“More than 100 people turned up from far and wide across Queensland, NSW and all towns in between,” Tony said.

“It was a great occasion to come back to Bourke to celebrate our existence and honour, respect and acknowledge our history through our forebears.

“The reunion was a link with the past and a chance to network with our family and friends. Some of us left Bourke years ago and we want to pass on the family links to the next generation coming through.

“We want them to learn the family history so they can carry on the Edwards name, culture and traditions.

“We are all part of the Aboriginal nation of Kunja Budjiti-Badjiri from south west Queensland and it is fitting to be here to recognise and celebrate our nation,” he said.

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