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Mel and Susie are ‘afternoon delights’

Mel and Susie. Photo TWH

Melanie Hall and Susan Carcary, better known as ‘Mel and Susie’, are famous for their daily comedy and poetry routines at the Opal Caravan Park in Lightning Ridge.

Speaking to The Western herald last week, Mel and Susie were full of fun, laughter, jokes, and conversation, and an obvious love for what they do.

Susie began the conversation with, “We do a happy hour show every afternoon around 4:30pm for the guests of the Opal Caravan Park.”

“Mel and I were invited to become permanent entertainers for the park in 2015” Susie said.

Mel interjected with, “Willie (not Nelson) and his wife Jo were performing at the caravan park also, doing one or two nights a week.”

Susie and Mel remember this time fondly, both talking and finishing each other’s sentences.

They went on to say, “It was wonderful, and we were happy to fit in with them. It gave us a couple of nights off and we got on well with them. It really was a great time.”

“We have been regularly performing since then, apart from the hiccups of COVID,” Mel said.

“The season begins around Easter, through to October when it gets too hot, and the tourists disappear. We usually perform seven days a week, but we have had the odd Sunday off recently to do coach gigs.”

Mel and Susie are well known as bush poets, however, there is a lot of comedy in their act.

When asked about the bush poetry coupled with the comedy, Mel went on to say, “We are both Australian champion bush poets and Australian champion yarn spinners.

“We like to do a variety show and comedy is the glue that holds it together,” she said.

“We do poems that make people cry one minute, then they are howling with laughter the next.

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