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Need a job? Come to Bourke!

Bourke Shire Council General Manager, Leonie Brown and Bourke Mayor Barry Hollman are both keen to recruit people to take up job vacancies in Bourke. Photo TWH

If you are looking for a career path, Bourke has plenty of job opportunities on offer.

The number of job vacancies in local government, administration, retail, hospitality, and service is at an all-time high and for applicants, it’s almost a case of ‘take your pick’.

For employers, however, the staff shortage in some industries is reaching critical levels, with some vacancies unfilled for months - or even years.

Bourke Mayor, Councillor Barry Hollman flagged housing shortages and affordability as one of the reasons fewer people were seeking out the ample job opportunities on offer in the town, as well as competition from larger centres where there were more services, including schools and health services – and lower crime rates.

The latest service to be affected by a staff shortage is Bourke’s Service NSW office, which will be closed until Monday, 28 August 2023 while Council is actively looking to recruit to the position.

The service will re-open on Monday 28 August on reduced hours from 8.30am to 12.30pm Monday to Friday. There may be days that the Agency is closed at short notice due to staffing con-straints.

Bourke Shire Council General Manager Leonie Brown said the permanent Service NSW agency staff member had secured other employment and until a replacement is found and trained, the office would remain operational with reduced hours.

“For anyone wishing to access Service NSW, they can still go online, or if they need face-to-face attention, the offices in our neighbouring NSW councils may be able to assist,” Mrs Brown said.

“To operate the agency requires training – it’s not a position that is easily filled for that reason. […]

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