No Olympic pool for Bourke this summer

Pool Manager Mark Hollman, alongside the new ramp access at the Bourke pool. The pool lining phase is now complete and contractors are moving on to the next stage of works, being the completion of the new pumphouse and pool plumbing. Photo TWH
Bourke’s upgraded Olympic pool will not be completed in time for this summer season.
Despite the best efforts of the construction workers, engineers, electricians, tilers and council, the job has proven a bigger task than anticipated, according to Bourke Council Acting General Manager Leonie Brown.
“We had a number of factors which worked against us,” Mrs Brown said.
“There were some unexpected challenges in the construction and renovation stages, including extremely thick concrete in the pipes and other parts of the original pool and it took a lot longer for the workers to remove that material, so that slowed things up considerably.
“The heat has made it very difficult for the workers who are spending a good part of their day inside the concrete pool structure, and that has been a challenge for them.
“COVID restrictions haven’t helped us either.
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