Protect you pets as snakes and parvovirus emerge

The warmer weather is sneaking up and local vet Charlotte Cavanagh has a timely warning for pet owners.
Snakes are on the move, and there are other threats out there as well.
“There have already been sightings of brown snakes out west,” Dr Cavanagh said.
“We had a snakebite case in Cobar about four weeks ago, and another from Brewarrina this week, so the snakes on the march early this year.
“If you suspect an animal is bitten, get to the vet as quickly as you can.
“Even if you’re not sure, we have in-house testing; so the quicker we get to the animal and give them the antivenom, the better.”
Dr Cavanagh is also warning about cases of parvovirus reported locally, a disease that increases due to the change in season.
“Parvo always ramps up when the weather is warmer,” Dr Cavanagh said.
“We had a case of parvo in a four-month-old puppy recently, so it’s a good time to remind people about vaccines.
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