Real-life Angel historic flight to Bourke

Angel Flight Australia
The pilots who fly the aircraft for the Angel Flight service are the real-life angels of the outback, and while they may not have wings and halos, their tireless dedication to people in rural and remote communities provides a vital service.
As well as their time and expertise, Angel Flight pilots use their own aircraft, pay for their upkeep, maintenance, and their licensing requirements out of their own pockets. Until recently, they also footed the fuel bill.
One of those ‘angels’ is pilot Jeffrey Hutchinson, who last week completed his 300th flight with the organisation, transporting a passenger – Melvin Brown of Lightning Ridge into Bourke from Bankstown airport following a vital specialist appointment.
Melvin was flown back to Bourke to catch up with Outback Eye Service.
Pilot, Jeffery Hutchinson, joined Angel Flight in 2004 as a volunteer pilot after he retired as a professional pilot, and said being a volunteer pilot meant he could contribute his skills to people in need, and keep his passion for flying alive.
Covering the enormous distances to reach clients in Australia has not fazed him - the aircraft he flew into Bourke last week – a Piper Cherokee – is the same plane he flew from Britain to Australia when he moved here almost two decades ago.
“I used to be based in Europe as a professional pilot but when I retired, I decided to come to Australia and I am now based in Brisbane,” Jeffrey said.
“I still wanted to keep my flying skills up to scratch and when I read about Angel Flight and it was just beginning, I offered my services as a pilot - and since then I have completed 300 flights. […]
Read more in the printed edition of The Western Herald.
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